Roger Godberd (Bandit) & Sheriff Wendenal (Warden)
Roger Godbert - Bandit Captain
Self-proclaimed "fighter for the people", Roger has spent many years in the Bethnal woods after his lord, Lord Devyville, was killed in a skirmish with Teoviso. Roger was ordered, by the Kingsland commanders, to leave Lord Devyville behind instead of helping his lord, a choice that has caused a great deal of pain within Roger and his attitudes towards Kingsland has only soured as he begins his campaign in the Bethnal woods. He hopes to cause Kingsland as much pain as it has caused him.
Art Inspiration for Roger; Robin Hood by Stefan Kopinski
Physical Description
Standing at just over 6-feet tall, he is clad in dirt stained leather armor with a worn green cloak coated in mud. A longbow hangs from his back and a shortsword with a worn hilt is at his side. Through a face obscured mostly by an unkempt beard, his eyes dart back and forth as if alert for danger at all times.
Roger once served under Lord Devyville in Kingsland, working to help protect the people from raiders from the neighboring country of Teoviso. During one such raid, Lord Devyville and him were to lead the Teoviso raider's into a trap, but this trap quickly backfired when Kingsland's own men began firing arrows upon Lord Devyville and Roger, forcing them to flee and break when the Teoviso raiders attacked.
It was during this folly that Lord Devyville died, from friendly Kingsland arrows. When Roger had demanded the death of the Kingsland commander, Reginald de Grey, he was denied and forced to give an apology to Reginald. Seeing no other option, Roger fled the forces of Kingsland and have set himself up in Bethnal woods, slowly gathering an army of misfits and commonfolk to storm across Kingsland and make a land devoted to its people.
After several years, he has amassed several hundred men that he can call on during his time of need, though now they are waiting and biding their time. Currently, Roger targets wealthy travelers, merchants, and nobles - taking wealth from them to help pay for his future army.
Quick Reference Traits
Personality Traits. Roger is driven by a need to make the country pay.
Ideals. Life is in constant change, and Roger believes that everyone should accept it.
Bonds. The people of Kingsland are the most important to Roger.
Flaws. Roger believes that violence can solve almost any challenge.
Adventure Hooks
A wealthy noble is planning on making their way through Bethnal woods near where Roger is holed up. Unfortunately, the noble has way more guards than Roger and his men can take on alone, even with surprise.
There is an evil presence in the Bethnal woods causing beasts to attack settlements. Roger has been unable to track down the cause, he believes it is someone trying to destroy his rebellion before it can begin.
Sheriff Wendenal has captured several of Roger's men and almost captured Roger himself. Roger needs help in thwarting the sheriff's attempts at capturing him and the rest of his men.
Sheriff William Wendenal - Warden
Protector of the land and keeper of the peace, it is up to Sheriff Wendenal to ensure that the king's woods are guarded from monsters, bandits, poachers, and other enemies of the crown. Within the Bethnal woods, located in Kingsland, Sheriff Wendenal of Tria has been tracking down a poacher and bandit lord who has been attacking travelers and causing the animals to take on a foul temperament.
Art Inspiration for William; Sheriff of Nottingham by Stefan Kopinski
Physical Description
Sheriff Wendenal is in his middle ages, with a trimmed bear and well appointed clothes. He carries with him a longsword and a pouch containing a variety of scrolls, all carefully arranged. Each one bears the face of a criminal that he is in search of as he attempts to keep the King's peace.
Sheriff William Wendenal of Tria has been patrolling the Bethnall woods for almost two decades, apprehending bandits, dealing with raiders from the Magnan Empire, and acting as the judge for any small villages who apprehend criminals. His track record has been impressive, though his latest target is giving him more difficulty than any he had faced against before.
Roger Godberd was once a noble, but now has turned to a life of crime. Roger attacks travelers and merchants, stealing riches from those who can't afford it and raiding nearby villages for food, drink, and supplies to help fund his many attacks along the roads through the Bethnal woods. He has even caused a curse to befall the once docile creatures of the forest, sending them to attack settlements, travelers, and even soldiers with a ferocity unseen of by these creatures.
Wendenal is tasked with apprehending this bandit lord and bringing him to Edith to answer for his crimes against the kingdom, a task he is looking forward to. He has yet to meet a bandit that was a match for him and he won't let Roger be the first to elude him.
Quick Reference Traits
Personality Traits. Those who do the kingdom injury should be crushed and brought to ruin.
Ideals. The people of Kingsland is all that matter.
Bonds. The sheriff fights for those who can't.
Flaws. Laws are made to be followed, even those that cause misery.
Adventure Hooks
Sheriff Wendenal is dealing with dangerous animals that seem to have been riled up by something, or someone, within the forest. They must be put down before they attack any more townsfolk.
A band of bandits has been spotted in the woods, robbing and harrasing the nearby townsfolk. They need to be brought to justice.
Roger Godberd's reign of terror must be brought to an end as the nearby townsfolk will know no peace until then.
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