Mar 19 Mar 19 Correl Merixen (Politician) & Jeeves (Construct) Chris Curran Drop-In NPC A politician of the people and his protector construct.
Mar 12 Mar 12 Orsina (Shadar-kai Warrior) Chris Curran Drop-In NPC Banished from the Plane of Shadow, Orsina plots her revenge
Dec 7 Dec 7 Rocco (Brute Companion) & Benny (Bomb Maker) Chris Curran Drop-In NPC An odd couple for sure, Rocco and Benny are best friends for life.
May 11 May 11 Kyros (Skeletal Soldier) & Rizzik Candilar (Tattooist) Dump Stat Drop-In NPC One is a lost skeleton, trying to find why it was brought back to unlife. The other is a tattoo artist looking to leave their mark on the world.